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Solar Panels North Devon

Reduce your carbon footprint and generate clean, green energy with solar panel installation. At Earth Inspired Solar, we have over 10 years of experience installing solar panels in North Devon. Our MCS-certified engineers can supply and install all types of solar PV systems to help you cut your carbon footprint and reduce your dependence on mains electricity. To find out more or to arrange a free site survey, please get in touch.

Why Choose Solar Panels?

The ability to generate your own renewable energy means you can become less dependent on mains electricity suppliers. This not only makes your way of life greener but will also future-proof your energy supply. It could also help you save money in the long term. 

In addition to this, you can also earn money through selling excess electricity back to the National Grid. This can be done through Smart Export Guarantee (SEG) tariffs.

Combining your solar PV set-up with solar battery storage means you can store and use electricity at night or on cloudy days when your panels won’t generate electricity due to lack of sunlight. Battery installation can also help you to make the transition to living off-grid. 

How Do They Work?

Solar panels are made from multiple photovoltaic (PV) cells that absorb sunlight and convert it into electricity. Each cell has a positive and negative layer and when photons make contact with the solar cell they produce a photoelectric effect. This creates an energy field which in turn generates direct current (DC) electricity. An invertor converts the DC to an alternating current (AC) which can then be used to power homes or businesses, or fed into the National Grid.

Multiple solar PV panels can be linked together to form a solar array. The more panels you have, the more electricity you will generate.

Solar Panel Installation

Our renewables engineers are MCS certified, meaning you can trust us to correctly and safely install MCS-certified low-carbon energy technologies into your home or business. 

As well as solar panel installation, we also provide maintenance and servicing to ensure your solar PV system is optimised for ongoing performance. With expert technical knowledge, access to leading PV systems and an excellent after-sales service, you can trust our team for practical, high-quality green energy solutions.

Is my roof suitable for solar panels?

Panels can be installed to flat and pitched roofs. South facing roofs will expose your PV system to more sunlight, and as a result, they will generate more electricity. However, east and west facing roofs should also be considered. This is because they should get a fair amount of exposure to sunlight throughout the day. Contrary to popular belief, you can even have solar PV arrays fitted to north facing roofs. They will naturally generate less electricity but could still save you money over time.

Get A Quote For Solar PV

If you would like to find out more about our installation services, need advice or want to arrange a free quotation for solar panels in North Devon, please contact us.

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